
A European Network for Digital Undergraduate Research:

Digital readiness, lifelong learning, inclusion

This Strategic Partnership includes five European universities and four organisations. With the focus on both innovative practices in the digital era and the ongoing global Covid-19 pandemic, our common goal is to advance digital undergraduate research in Europe. In the long term, this should also strengthen the undergraduate research network in Europe (similarly to that achieved by our associated partner CUR, the US Council on Undergraduate Research) and improve its global integration. The joint development of digital undergraduate research should serve as a catalyst for the European network. Our project — digiUR aims to support students, university educators and universities in the implementation of DIGITAL UR, by providing specific, online UR tools and adequate schemes of UR mentoring that will be applicable Europe-wide. The digiUR project comprises three main project strands, each involving intense transnational collaboration and responding to the identified needs for UR under Covid-19 (cf. Grineski et al. 2020):


  • Digital TOOLS (“Virtual UR Citizen Lab”): Developing digital research platforms for UR in general and citizen science specifically.
  • Research PROCESS support (“Student Research Hub”): Developing a scheme (appropriate for the challenges of Covid-19) to support the research process in UR (digital/physical).
  • Specific MENTORING (MTEL Module “Digital UR”): Training university educators for mentoring roles in digital UR.

As long-term project goal is the strengthening of a European UR network.